History & Purpose

YAAACE was founded in 2007 to mitigate the polarization north and south of Finch in the Jane and Finch community. The goal was to create access to opportunities that would meet the needs of the community and mitigate systemic inequities. The colour purple was chosen for its symbolism for togetherness as when red and blue are mixed, you get purple. It was intended to bring youth from both sides of the community into a neutral space where they can access structured programs, learn, and grow together through culturally reflective services. Since 2007, YAAACE has expanded extensively to offer a range of new programs and services in academics, athletics, character education, experiential learning, employment, and violence prevention and intervention.

Our Vision

Dynamic communities with positive life outcomes for all.

Our Mission

Cultivate safer and thriving communities for Black and equity-denied groups through advocacy and access to strength based programs and services.

Our Values

Providing multiple programs



Families & Clients Served






"Africentricity is an orientation and approach of understanding and engaging reality from the centred perspective, interests of a person of African descent. This affirming orientation is informed by collective and individual lived experiences, African derived culture, traditions, value systems and worldviews that are consistent with African and African-derived realities and experiences." 


Our Social Inclusion Framework

The framework that we use to help support our community uses these 7 pillars in our day to day for advocacy.

YAAACE Social Inclusion Framework.

Solidarity Statement

As an organization primarily made up of people of Afrikan descent, we offer this land recognition in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island in the efforts and deliberate intentions toward decolonization. We acknowledge the sacred land on which we work, known as Tkaronto and traditionally as Turtle Island, is the unceded and ancestral territories of the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee confederacy, the Mississauga's of the Credit River, the Wendat and many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. While Afrikans have always occupied these lands, many have come by choice, while many are here as a result of historical force therefore, we acknowledge we are all Treaty people.

Equity Statement

YAAACE advocates for creating access to opportunities, programs, and services that are culturally reflective of experiences of marginalized communities. We are committed to equitable treatment and elimination of discrimination in all its forms through our policies and practices.